Call Or Text Today 470-300-1125

    Whether you’re closing on a house, needing to draft a business contract or involved in a real estate conflict, Williams Law Group of Georgia can craft intelligent solutions that keep your goals front and center.

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Serving Clients Throughout The Atlanta Metro Area

We Make The Law Work For You

Most people have strong perceptions of how the law has traditionally worked, or not worked, for them: it's a mental model that can include stress due to high-conflict disagreements, worries about meeting critical deadlines, fears of financial loss or the devastation of being denied justice. Regardless of how often these perceptions are accurate, those of us who work as attorneys know the system can work better and deliver better results for our clients.

Williams Law Group of Georgia strives to bring a better future for the legal profession to its clients – right now.

Attorney Randy Williams focuses on the pain points that legal clients frequently face. By leveraging modern technology, and truly listening to client needs, he has created a firm that focuses on client needs, being accessible to clients 24/7, and is easy to do business with. We understand that developments that impact your legal matter can come up at any time, and we're here to represent you when you need it, not just during office hours.

Providing Representation For Personal And Business Matters

Much of our firm's practice concerns real estate. If you are ready to buy your next home, we can help you with your closing. We can also review your title and contract documents, as well as any forms on which you may need guidance. If a residential or commercial real estate transaction is threatening to head to court, we can be your dedicated advocate in litigation. We also help with landlord-tenant issues, wrongful foreclosures or property line disputes.

If you own your own business, Williams Law Group of Georgia can assist with numerous day-to-day transactional matters, including contract drafting/review, business formation or collections. We also represent individual plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits and defendants in criminal cases.

Meet Our Founder And Managing Partner

Learn more about attorney Randy Williams and his philosophy for success.

About Our Founder

We aim to enhance our client's experience through the efficient use of technology, fair pricing, and unmatched customer service.

Preview The Future Of Legal Today

We understand what resolving a legal issue can cost you in terms of time, money and stress. Williams Law Group of Georgia aims to review your issue in the context of your entire life and facilitate solutions that meet your goals as closely as possible. To learn more about how we operate and how that can benefit you or your company, call 470-300-1125 or send us an email.

Contact Us Today

Williams Law Group is committed to answering your questions about law issues in Georgia.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Williams Law Group of Georgia
404-500-1281 (fax)
Mon: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Tue: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Wed: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Thu: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Fri: 09:00am - 05:00pm
